Friday, May 21, 2010


Sorry guys that I haven't been in touch lately. I have been so busy with homework, studying and tests. Well now that I am on I wanna tell you guys about this site called facebook. A lot of you guys hve probably been on it so cool!!!Just remember be very careful about what you say on facebook!!!So I will tell you guys more some other time. SO!!!BBBYYYYEEEE!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Perfect Man

Hey guy!!!!Sorry that I have not been in touch I have been so busy with school and everything. So I wanna say that I have been watching a movie called The Perfect Man. It is relly good and very romantic.... Guys this is getting weird...I only get comments , but they are just two comments. When I started this blog I usually got about eight comments.. Come on guys I wannna hear from u...I just need some help....So guys leave some comments plz. I am desperate!!!!sO THANK YOU!!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

I see that Kesha have won in my poll....Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber came next and Demi Lavato got no votes.....So until next time....I just have 2 say something can you ask questions again please!!!I just love answering your questions so pleaaasssseeeee!!!!!!!:)xo

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Vampire Diaries

Hi guys!!!It is me again!!!!I just want say I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend and I am so excited because I got books nr. 1 and 2 of The Vampire Diaries!!!!1So talk 2 you guys l8r!!!

This is some of the things that I love:

Friday, April 16, 2010

HELP ME!!!!!

Hi guys!!Listen I want 2 test out my reflexes of solving problems for people...So if u want 2 help mewith this just simply ask a question and I will be happy to reply!!Hope u guys are enjoying your first week of school!!!Next week I am going on camp and it is gonna be so awesome!!!Al of my BFF's are very excited to go!!!I just can't wait!!!So see you guys next time!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OMG!!!Isn't Justin Biebier hot or not.I swear he is so cute!!!!!!!And have you guys seen is his ultra cool video on YOUTube called 1 time..Speaking of cool videos I love the Vampire Diaries it is my number one show ever!!!!!!!It ROCKS!!!!!!Until next time good-bye!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hey Guys!!!!!!!It is Holidays and also Easter!!!!!!!Hope you guys enjoy the holidays so far..... And dont forget what Easter relly is about.....Hope you enjoy it.!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hey guys. I have had the most awesomest time. All my fwends came over and it was just crazy. I want to show you tik tok next week. I made it myself. I hope that you will enjoy it. It is really cool. Check out this new site. It is very awesome!!!!!!!!!!And I heard this new song from Kesha which is way cool!!!!!!!Also check out It is also way cool. Kesha has the new song Take it Off. Byee

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Hamster in the House

Hi guys. Just wanna say that I have a new hamster. It is a Dwarf Hamster. Her name is Alice because when I see her at the petshop she riminded me of her. (Alice in Wonderland and in Twilight:saga)She is very cute and very fast. So I will talk to you guys later. BBBBBBBBBYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi guys. Just wanna 2 say check out the new Selena Gomez videos on UTube and go see Alice in Wonderland. I heard that the movie is in 3-D. How awesome is that. And I heard or I think I heard that Selena is recording a new song. Check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also check out Seventeen Magazine's Homepage. It is totally cool. Tell you more later.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Party again

Hi guys i am back. K so this is how the party started. First I went 2 my fwends house. The first thing we did was jump on the trampoline. Then we ate something. After that we got dressed for church. It was very nice except for this one guy. He was a snob and he showed off a lot. He is not very hot. And at the church we got 56 stones but the people said we cheated. But we shouted right back into their faces''WE DID NOT CHEAT''. It was so fun. After that we went home and ate some spaghetti. Then we slept...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The next morning we went to a water park were we swam. The water was nice and warm. But the weather was very cold. BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. So now i am back at my house where i will stay until i am old enough 2 get out.


Hi everyone it is me again. I just had the most craziest party. Tell you later more about it.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Welcome everybody. This is my site and it is all about MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!Hope you will love it. It will be updated every week. So leave some comments! This blog is called "theGOLDBUTTERFLY" because I have blonde hair that shines A LOT in the sun.....